Some of my work

A portfolio that ranges from slogans to scripts and from email campaigns to experiential, for clients across sectors, viz. CPG (FMCG), hospitality, healthcare, financial services, real estate, technology, and manufacturing.

Have successfully executed creative advertising campaigns, marketing collateral, long-form and short-form content, website content, landing pages, sells-sheets, product descriptions, lead-generation content, thought-leadership pieces, annual reports, stakeholder communications, infographics, video scripts, storyboards, brand identity, brand manuals, and digital and social content.

Mixed goodies

Infographics. Brochures. Reports. Whitepapers. Digital ads.

Show reel

From script to screen.
TVCs. OLVs. Case study videos. Corporate films. Product videos. Vox pops.


Website sales page. Sell-sheet. Email Campaign. Brand Names. Taglines. Creative ads.

Email campaignCreative adSell-sheetWebsite sales pageBrand name + tagline